Wellbeing Day
Thank you for inviting me to attend your Wellbeing Day. I hadn’t set myself any particular goals for the day – I just wanted to enjoy myself and to be open to a new experience.
I found the day highly motivational, and was carried along by your infectious enthusiasm! The whole day was very uplifting and thought-provoking, and I had a wonderful time.
I came away with a desire to lose weight (which I did), to exercise more (which I did) and to eat more healthily (which I did). The Eat4Life: Eat Well Feel Well talk was really fascinating, and the foods provided for lunch and snacks were delicious!
There was great camaraderie amongst the group, and some genuine laughter during the Laughter Yoga session.
I hadn’t expected to be moved by the talk given by Jane Devey Smith, “Quietening That Critical Inner Voice”. I felt at the time that I might benefit from meeting with her so have followed that up and have a meeting scheduled for next week!
Thank you so much again for a wonderful day. I would definitely recommend your events to others.